How to read-
- Red indicates the word while Black alongside indicates the forms in which they can be used like Noun, Adjective, Verb etc.
- Blue indicates the meaning of the word.
- Brown indicates synonyms.
- Green indicates antonyms.
- Below some related idioms with the words provided today have also been added.
Example Sentences
- Ubiquitous- McDonalds has a ubiquitous presence in the world.
- Delusional- Their delusional belief in the project's merit resulted in a loss.
- Resilient-
a. The fish are resilient to most infections. (able to withstand)
b. Support surface that are made from resilient foam exhibit this type of elastic response. (recoil or spring back) - Apartheid- Black people's struggle against apartheid in South Africa attracted immense worldwide solidarity.
- Surreptitious-
a. Corruption has been eating away the Indian society in a surreptitious manner(or surreptitiously). (hidden)
b. Inspite of the efforts by the Indian Governemnt, surreptitious child trafficking is still existent. (performedly secretly) - Lacklustre-
a. A lacklustre lecture often leads to boredom. (uninspiring)
b. No excuses could suffice the teams lacklustre performance in the tournament. (lacking in conviction) - Nascence-
a. The nascent(adj) signs of recovery of her son brought a sigh of relief to the mother. (initial)
b. The space indutry in India is still in nascence. - Snarl-
a. The Woman snarled at anyone she disliked. (yelled)
b. 'Shut your mouth!', He snarled. (yelled)
c. He knew the return trip would be far different, crawling his way back in the snarl of rush hour. (a tangled situation)
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